Friday, September 30, 2011

SALE.... How many ways can you say it?

Well......  So far......  38 different ways!
And how many ways can you say GIVEAWAY.....  
So far 13 donations have been made for 1 lucky winner!!!

All sellers and shoppers are eligible to participate in the giveaway.

Check out the right side of the blog.  If you would still like to donate for Sunday's giveaway, please send an email to with your name, the name of your shop and a picture of the donation.  In return, you will receive one month on our blog with a link to your shop that will be included with the group on the right.

There's something unique with our sponsors this time.  Just hover over the buttons of individual shops to get an idea about what each artist designs.

Don't miss out...... Sunday, October 2nd!  Yes, that is in just 2 days.....  all of the shops that you see below and maybe more will be added by Sunday will be part of our first LMAJ Cyber Sale that will be an all day event!

There are still 2 days left to link up if you are a shop owner.  Please click HERE, HERE and HERE to see all of the past posts in the order that they were published.  If you create ALL handmade or are just beginning to create handmade with handmade, please join in.  If your shop includes other types of items, I would ask that you either have a section in your shop that is dedicated to handmade with handmade or you renew listings that meet the criteria the day of the sale.  If this is you, please mention that in your shop announcements.  Thanks!

Also.....  if you have a shop such as Etsy who offers coupon codes, please use a code that begins with LMAJ.  I will be offering 20% off so my shop coupon code will be LMAJ20.  Thanks for helping with consistency.


~Thank-you for creating handmade with handmade~

MaryAnn Carroll

Special Note:  There seems to be a little mix up with today's post.  Looks like Kelli and I are both taking this day.  A bit ironic considering what a surprise it was for me to read what she wrote about me.  It made me tear up.......  Thanks so much Kelli....  I LOVE it and will LOVE wearing it.

PS  Sorry for stomping on top of your post with mine....

An act of kindess

by Kelli Pope

As you may recall from previous blog posts, I started making ceramic beads last year. And I LOVE it!!! My love for handmade ceramic beads started when I found a WONDERFUL artist named Mary Ann Carroll on Etsy. The rustic natural colors spoke to me. Strangely enough, she was the one who encouraged me to try making my own. Not only did she encourage me, she sent me a tutorial, clay and tools so I could see if I liked it before I made a big investment. Then she fired the beads for me. Recently she fired another batch for me before I finally bought my own kiln. I'm not sure I can express to her how much her kindness, encouragement and help mean to me. And we've never met!! We've actually only spoken by phone once. The "art world" is not always a kind and sharing place. There is a lot of worry about having ideas stolen or copied, and competition for sales can be very stiff. Mary Ann's kindess has been a beautiful gift to me.

She and I had numerous e-mail conversations, while I was in the bead buying stage, about the joy of making and wearing handmade. And then her brilliant idea of this website and blog were born. I am amazed today, by how it has grown, and the incredible talent that has joined us. The kindness, and willingness to give abound in this group and I am just so very honored to be a part of it. Mary Ann's dedication to our group is just astounding. So Ms. Mary Ann, this one's for you.........

handmade beads (red on black clay) by me with hand hammered, flame painted copper, on an antiqued copper chain

I hope you feel the love when you wear it :)

May you all experience and give kindness daily !!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wish Granted

by D'Arsie Manzella of Mamacita Beadworks
A while back I told you What a Girl Wants over here in Mamacitaville.
Well one seller was so generous she sent me some of her beautiful beads
to experience first hand and I want to share in that generosity with you, our readers!
Here are some earrings I made with the gift, they are some of my favorites as they incorporate a vintage stamping from earrings I found as a teen in my Grandma's jewelry.
I have had these silver stampings in my collection
for over 15 years and now I enjoy them weekly!
Jeanette at ClayHappy on Etsy makes these polymer clay beads which are light, complex and sophisticated. The time she takes to hand polish the beads give them a wonderful luster.
If you'd like to win 4 of these beautiful beads for your fall jewelry designs, just leave a comment below about an act of generosity that just knocked your socks off, a wish
unexpectedly granted or a surprise that enriched your life.
While thinking, head over to Jeanette's shop and choose your favorite bead design to share in your comment. Only comments including a favorite will be considered for the giveaway. Saturday morning I will randomly choose a winner from your comments and post the winner on our Facebook Page:
Love My Art Jewelry
Lets share the lovely moments!
Many heartfelt thanks to Jeanette, making the world a
sweeter place, one bead at a time!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Playing with Light

Photography and getting my little pieces presented is one of my least favourite things to do. I've read heaps of things on this. I've tried heaps of things. I always come back to there has just got to be a better (and less expensive) way to do things. 

Now that autumn is here that means for a lot of folks a there will be a limited amount of natural light for photos over the next few months. So what do we do? How do we compensate for the light in the grey days of winter?

Enter Carol Bradley Designs and her post and links to Boo Jewels, truly excellent tips on her experience of getting great jewelry photos.  Boo Jewels  is not only a jewelry designer but a photographer as well.  She's got lots of information in there in a very easily understood language of just what your camera is doing and what you can do with your camera. Which is fabulous for me because sometimes I just zone right out when it comes to technical stuff.

Back when I was in Texas, I did a lot of my photos in relatively low light. Mostly because the natural light was so intense that I had to or all of my photos were over exposed and had deep distracting shadows. So while I was there I did a few experiments based on the tutorial by Boo Jewels.

Two of the things I picked up on straight away were reflecting light and changing your Ev setting on your camera. Mostly because I could reflect light with a cheapo 5 minute hand crafted fix and I actually knew where my Ev setting (that's an exposure compensation setting) was on my point and shoot camera. 

So what I did was set up a tiny little experiment. I photograph most of my jewelrey components on a colour background because I think white is sort of boring for the pieces I make. This green that you see up there is one of the colours I find most pleasing for bronze pieces. It's also one of the most difficult I use to get good and true colour on a computer monitor. But I can't help it, I like how it looks with golden colours of bronze.

So basically, I bounced light around and compesated for indoor exposure. Easy peasy. The first photo, top left is without any 'enhancement', just my normal factory setting on the camera. I usually go in and edit these types of photos to make them brighter.  The top right uses a reflector to bounce light onto the piece. Still kind of dark. The bottom two use and Ev setting of 1 (normal is 0) to compensate for low lighting. The difference is that in the bottom right photo I used a reflector to shine light back onto the pendant. (More on that later, promise) See how they get lighter and brighter?

None of these photos were edited in photoshop or other types of software. These are straight out of my camera. You could and probably would go in and do this.

I know a lot of you photograph jewelry and components on a white background. This is the same sequence, 1) top left, camera factory settings, 2) top right,  light bounced back with added reflector, 3) bottom left,  exposure compensation, 4) bottom right, exposure compensation plus light reflected back onto the component.

And here is that same set of photos adjusted in a photo editing program to be brighter. It works but I still feel like it is over exposed and lacking depth. So I think this is really just a start.

So here's the photo set up. I use an inexpensive clamp lamp from the hardware store fitted with a daylight bulb, one of those spiral types.Those bulbs last forever. I think I've been using this one day in and day out for about 4 years now. It is clamped to the back of  a chair in my dining room. The reflector is on the right and is a piece of kitchen foil scrunched up and then smoothed out and wrapped around a Whitman's Sampler Chocolate box. The chocolates are long gone and I really would like some more. The background paper is scrap book paper from the craft store. Low tech, not very elegant. Easy peasy!

Go check out the tutorial from Boo Jewels. There's heaps more information and ideas there.

How do you use light to photograph your work?

What will you do when the grey days of winter come around?

I'd love to here how you set up your photography!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The aging journey of my beautiful, brown eyes...

by Izzy Winterhart

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. 
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
~ Mark Twain

This past January I turned 42.  I've had bifocals since I was 39.  I spend my jewelry making days looking at my pieces through my bifocals, over the top of my glasses, even without my glasses.  I come in each day from my workshop rubbing my neck, readjusting my shoulders and wondering why I'm so uncomfortable.  

One day I picked up my current issue of Art Jewelry Magazine and noticed an ad for jewelers glasses.  Are you kidding me?  Why didn't I think of that?  I've been arching my head in the most insanely uncomfortable positions to help my aging eyes adjust.  

Immediately I went online.  I was ordering those things asap!  But after seeing the price, well, that idea was tossed.  They were more than I pay for my regular specks.  Surely there was something less expensive.  After five minutes at Rio Grande I found the perfect alternative.  And boy are they sexy!

(This beautiful, bright green table top is my sawing/patina table, don't you just love it?)

Okay, so I look like a big geek, but who cares.  The lenses fit nicely over my glasses, they are comfortable, they are a stylish red (which matches my red bandana that I wear on bad hair days) and best of all NO neck ache!  I think I paid $12 for these beauties and it was money well spent.

I don't mind welcoming the coming years as long as I can find ways to keep my aging body from interfering with my daily activities.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Septembers Sentiment Challenge Winner is.........

by Staci Louise Smith

Sandra from sandra5461 on Etsy!  Congratulations!

Sandra created this piece in honor of her Mom.  She poured her heart into this piece and boldly shared it all with us.  Great work Sandra!

All the designs submitted were wonderful and everyone put their heart and "sentiment" into them.  Thank you so much for sharing them with us!  I can see everyone holding true to the handmade portion of this challenge, and the designs were beautiful.  We had leaves and flowers, etched discs, ceramic beads and handmade chains, we had beginner earrings with hand hammered metal, and beads with sentiment made right into them in polymer and metal.  It's so fun to see how differently people interpret the challenges!

May all of your designs inspire and touch someone!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


SALE..... please scroll down to learn more about it......

Have you signed up to join us if you create handmade with handmade jewelry?

Have you signed up to join us if you create your own handmade beads/components?

Have you donated (optional) either jewelry or beads/components for our big giveaway that will be held on the same day as the big sale?   Participants in the sale and shoppers are eligible to win.

Have you remembered to share this sale date on your blogs, facebook, etc.?

Have you previewed the shops that have signed up to far?

Have you marked your calendar for some great sales in some fabulous shops?

If not..... what are you waiting for?

One week from today 

~LMAJ's 1st Cyber Sale~

To learn more about this sale click HERE and HERE for more explanation.


If you have any questions, please send an email to

As always....

~thank-you for creating handmade with handmade~

Saturday, September 24, 2011

forever learning

mary jane dodd

this necklace (which is my submission for the art spark this month) is a result of years of practice and 3 techniques... 

i love learning... i love books and tutorials... the leaf above was born because i bought charles lewton brains's fold forming book, barbara lewis' enameling tutorial (though now she has a fabulous book) and took a class with ruth rae... not all at once of course, they built upon each other during 'what if' moments... 

but the first things i tried to do on my own were those that could save me money - like making my own hook clasps, ear wires and ball end headpins... once i figured those out - i got inspired to try more things on my own... it's addicting... 

there are so many wonderful retreats and large teaching venues - like some of you, i sigh and wish i could go... because of distance or money, some of us simply cannot... 

but what i have found is that there is a wealth of teaching out there... and most of it is very affordable... - has some really great online video classes... like bodacious bangle with kim st. jean... - has tutorials that start at $4

you can learn how to patina metal with missficklemedia for $20... this is an incredibly comprehensive tutorial that has taught me about more than patina... it was a great investment...  shannon has other tutorials on her site as well for $10 a piece... 

because i love books (and had some sales on etsy) i am going to treat myself to stephanie lee's 'handbook of elements' online class... 

our own patty lakinsmith has lampworking technique tutorials... 

one of my new personal discoveries is  nancy l hamilton - her videos are terrific... 

search etsy for all items - tutorial and there are 17,809 results... 

how about 'creating beautiful bead caps'? you can find it here...

purchase a jewelry magazine like step by step wire, belle armoire jewelry, or others and you will get stepped out directions and often photographs for each project... 

and what about youtube? free!

afraid to use a jeweler's saw? get some tips from susan lenart kazmer has over 100 videos there... 

the point is, there is so very much to learn and know - and you can do it at your own speed... at your financial comfort level... 

another nice thing about the videos is that before spending money on tools and supplies, you can get a feel for whether something clicks with you or not... 

personally, it isn't usually about the projects that i get excited (though they are beautiful and inspiring) - it is about the technique or some wonderful tip that takes me to the next level... 

and that is what i love so very much about this community - sharing and supporting so that we all can reach our potential... 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sentimental journey

by Kelli Pope

When I was a child, my family took yearly summer vacations. Mostly we went to Florida, as my mother loved the beach. However, my favorite vacation was to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. (I remember my grandparents and their chihuahua making that trip!) I fell in love with the woods, streams, trees and the incredibly, peaceful mountains. As an adult, I still love the mountains. When my husband and I had been married just a few years, he was running the family restaurant. It was open 6 days a week, and he spent his day off doing paperwork and placing orders..... so, there was no day off. I had a full time job, and worked there nights and weekends. It was stressful, to say the least. I decided we needed a vacation. We had never taken one together. He argued, and said his family just didn't do vacations. I finally convinced him, and reserved us a cabin in Gatlinburg. I was going back to one of my favorite places, the Smokey Mountains, and I couldn't wait to introduce him to absolute beauty and peace. Not until he slid into the hot tub on the deck the first night, beneath the stars and the colorful, falling leaves, did he realize just how badly he needed that vacation. (the mountain view didn't hurt either) Now we try to return every year. As I write, I look forward to our trip, just 4 weeks from now. The Fall leaves will be at peak color, and the temperature should be cool and crisp. For us and our dogs, the perfect weather! AND once again, it will bring back wonderful childhood memories.

antiqued hammered copper components, antiqued copper chain, patinated leaf and beads by Shannon LeVart, large wood kiln fired bead by Mary Ann Carroll

Where has the Art Spark "Sentimental" journey taken you?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

guest post - barbara lewis

mary jane dodd

In case you hadn't heard, Barbara Lewis has a new book! We asked her to talk with us a bit about the experience:

"This is the BLAD, which stands for Book Lay-out and Design.  It's the tool that the sales staff at North Light used to sell the book.  The publisher selects a few pages from the book and creates a booklet.  It was interesting for me to see it, so I thought you might be interested too.  I had no idea how the publishing industry worked, and still don't know it from the viewpoint of someone in the profession.  But it's been a real eye-opener, in a good way.  North Light has been great to work with, but the person who most affects your experience is your editor.  Your editor does everything … includng making airline and hotel arrangements!  When I found out that my editor, Rachel Scheller was only 24 years old, my jaw nearly hit the table!  Rachel is so impressive. I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job!  She deserves a big fat raise!


The last few weeks have been a whirlwind! Now we’re entering a new phase
where YOU get to be drawn into the vortex! I mean, why should I be having all the
fun? We’re launching the Virtual Book Tour for “Torch-Fired Enamel Jewelry: a
Workshop in Painting with Fire” on October 5. From October 5th to the 24th, a
bunch of blogging friends, many of whom you already know and admire, will host
a specific day during the tour where they’ll share their interest in the book, or in
torch-firing, or in using torch-fired enamel beads and other elements.

We’ll have prizes at every stop. All you need to do is to leave a comment and
become a follower of the blog of your host or hostess and become a follower of
my blog. Everyone who leaves a review of the book at Amazon by November 24
will be entered into a Grand Prize drawing for a Torch-Firing Kit ($110 value). It’s
important that the review be honest … we need the book to stand on it’s own merits.

You say you already have a torch-firing kit? Well then, you’ll get a $110 gift
certificate for my website, Painting with Fire I’ll have all the details
at my website on October 5, but I thought you might like to know who the hosts will
be of the Book Tour. Here’s the roll call … Mary Jane Dodd, Gaea Cannaday, Linda
Larsen, Andrew Thornton, Lori Plyler, Diane Cook, Lori Anderson, LeAnn Weih, Jen
Judd Velasquez, Melissa Meman, Lisa Crone, Shannon LeVart, Cindy Wimmer, Laura Twiford, Erin Prais-Hintz, and Jennifer Cameron.

What you’re not going to hear is a bunch about me. Andrew will host an interview
with me, but other than that, you’ll hear a lot about how each of these artists are
interested in or work with torch-fired enamel. Expect to see some really neat
enamel work as seen through their vision. Our Resident English Teacher, Erin Prais-
Hintz, will talk about the book as only she can! We’ll have a downloadable project on
Lori Anderson’s day ... and lots of other fun stuff. I hope you’re getting the idea that
it’s a “not-to-be-missed” event! See you then!"

To learn more, you can follow these links:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I really do Love my Art Jewelry

by Staci L. Smith

I have always loved art jewelry, which is why, I decided long ago, it was a road I would travel.  My first and most true love in art jewelry, was and still is, silver and gemtones, and don't forget the chunk and texture.....lots of texture please!

Here are some fabulous metal artists from etsy, whose designs make me say, "OOoooooo"!  They inspire me to work harder and create from the heart.

Please click on the pictures to go to the listing and see more of their amazing work!

Ring by MariaGotiJoyas

Pendant by Midwest Alchemy

Necklace by Filomena's House

Ring by Emilie Bliguet

Necklace by E5Jewel

Pendant by 6 Shadows Jewelry

Bracelet by Temi
(this one I want soooooo bad!  It is my style in every way!!!  Look at those colors and textures!!!)

That last one really gets me.  The only thing I love more then silver and gemstones are druzies and a collage of textures and shapes that come together to create one wonderful piece of jewelry.  *sigh*  bar raised.  I better go practice my skills some more.

I hope you enjoyed a peak into some of my favorite Art Jewelry (cause you know I love it)!

Art Jewelry is just that, its art.  It's something created from deep inside.  It is a part of the creator (or creators if beads and components from many artists were used).  It speaks of something.  A story.  A tale.  It may be obvious, it may be a secret.  But Art Speaks, and just because its jewelry, doesn't mean that it can't have a voice too. 

What did the last piece you created say?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In my garden...

by Izzy Winterhart

"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment.
My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams.
The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers,
and the dreams are as beautiful."
~Abram L. Urban

I admire Staci for holding on to items associated to memories.
I'm not really one to hold on to things.
I think I've swept the memories of my childhood out the door
along with whatever else was associated to it.
Same with most of my life.
Spending the years prior to meeting my husband
as a nomad has taught me to have few possessions.

But now I'm living a new life.
A beautiful life.
And everything before meeting Mr. Wonderful
I refer to as my past life.

The things I hold near and dear now are
Mr. Wonderful,
my dog and two cats,
my beautiful home,
and my growing garden.

My sentimentality now runs
through, around and into my roots.
And I've planted these roots
into this new life, family, home
and amazing love.
My roots grow deep into the soil
of my life's garden.

Thank you Staci for this Art Spark.
It has sparked much appreciation
for the things I hold closest to my heart.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Art Spark Designer of the Week

Our very own Izzy!!!! Congrats!!!  Please tune in on 9/20 to read about why this piece has sentiment to her. All I know about it right now, is that she always seems to come up with something better then the last. I love the organic feel of this piece, and the patina~ oh my! Great work, I can't wait to read about it!

Not many people have entered this month, and I am wondering if maybe Sentiment is too personal for some? Perhaps no one wants to share that much detail???? If this is you, PLEASE don't shy away. You don't have to go into deep detail, like Shannon or myself. If you are shy, just say, "this is for my mom because these things have meaning to us:" Or, "I found this shell on vacation with a very special someone" don't have to enter a log into your diary.....OK? I promise! But we'd love to see what you make, and know its special to you in some way. Because honestly, its what makes us tick as artists...our feelings, we are driven and inspired by them.


Onto other things.............I had a very nice show this weekend, (good weather, good sales, fun people)one that I was sooo stressed out about. And ya know what? The minute I was there and set up, I relaxed. I love doing shows. They are a TON of work, and in all honesty, I am sure that if you figure your time, you don't make squat- so you have to love them. But I do love them, and here is why......

The Staci Louise's Top 10 Things I Love About Shows

1. I get out of my house

2. I get feedback- from real people- who really touch my jewelry ~ I get to see what they like, hear what they would like to see different about things, ei: longer earring, more adjustable necklaces, ect...

3. I get to hang out with other artists- I make sooo many friends. I absolutely love talking my art, their art, the struggles of making a career out of art, and sharing tips of the trade. love love love that part. Artists make great friends.

4. I make some money (hopefully) doing what I love

5. TRADING (with other artists) ~ the barter system is alive and well, and I take full advantage (AND make more friends)

6. Hearing that my jewelry rocks. I need to hear that. I am hard on myself. Its just nice to hear!

7. Seeing something I created make someone VERY happy. It makes me smile from ear to ear when someone is just ecstatic with their purchase, after all, I WANT them to be. I want them to love it.

8. talking to people about what I do~ I meet so many fun people when I begin to explain about how I make the beads, or where the sea glass is found...not only do they learn something, but I usually end up learning about their great aunt, or the history of something, people love to talk, and I love to talk with them!

9. Getting to set up my booth~ my temporary shop for the day~ and designing it the way I like it

10. The last thing I love about shows is when I am all done, at home, having a glass of wine in my jammies.........which is what I am about to do now as I schedule this post!!!!

This was a good show- so you get the top 10 things I love about shows........given it had gone another way, I am sure I could do a top 10 things I don't love about shows! LOL! But thats another post for another day.

I will be doing a series of posts on selling your work at shows- how to get started, and lots of handy tips from set ups to taking credit cards, just stuff that I have learned from years of doing shows. Hopefully it can remove some of the guess work of starting out, and you can learn from some of my mistakes!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sign On, Sign In, Sign Up....

Please click HERE for the latest update.....

For our 1st 


Two weeks from today.....

One Day Only Cyber Sale!!!


And..... we will be offering a BIG giveaway if we have enough people willing to donate.  Participants and others may enter to win.

If you are going to include your SHOP (Etsy, Artfire, Other) in the sale and would like to donate a piece for the giveaway, please email us at

Due to limited space on the blog, I will only be able to add small thumbnail links to your shops on the sidebar for those who donate.  Those text links will remain up for one month beginning October 2nd.

Please include in your email:

Your name
Your shop name
A picture and brief description of the item you will be donating.

To learn more about what and who can be involved in this sale, please click:


One more thing....  Sorry for the BIG red print!!!  ;o)


If you have already added your link, the only thing left to do is to make sure that it reads the way you want it to.  This is a SHOP sale, so please make sure that you have linked your shop and that you follow the steps in the original post.   

You can find that by clicking HERE.

Spread the Love......

For those of you with blogs, please grab the SALE button script on the right to promote this sale on your own blogs.

As always

~thank-you for creating handmade with handmade~


It has been pointed out to me that when you click to add your link, it says to add the URL of your blog post.  Please add your SHOP URL since this isn't a blog event.  This should take you to your shop pictures.  Pick one that you want to have represent your work.  

I am asking, however, that those who have blogs to help us promote the sale on their own blogs.

Please feel free to point out anything else that you might have questions about.

bead soup party

mary jane dodd

i would be a fool to try to compete with this mega event... 

lori anderson does a stellar job of putting this very huge party together... there are 362 participants that live on 5 continents, in 21 countries... this is the 4th bead soup party... i have had the pleasure to be in 2 of them, but had to sit the last 2 out... 

lori's pairings are really pretty remarkable... they are not random... 

our own staci is participating this september... 

to find the full listing - check pretty things today... 

you will be in awe of the time, talent and creativity that people invest in their finished pieces... but not surprised... 

thank you lori for taking on this herculean task time after time... it is very much appreciated by so many... 

Friday, September 16, 2011

calling ALL who create ~handmade with handmade~

by MaryAnn Carroll

Do you create handmade beads/components?
Do you create jewelry using all or mostly all handmade components?

Come join in on the fun......
Bring more traffic to your shop and/or website...
This is a group SALE TRIAL RUN so please link up your SHOPS for practice.....
Feel free, however, to advertise on your own blogs regarding this group sale.....
Encourage more to join in on the fun......
If all goes as planned, please stop back on Sunday for the actual link up and the date that we have decided to run the sale.....
Hey, maybe we could have some fun with this in the future linking up the blogs of those who

~create handmade with handmade~

If you are interested in joining us for our 1 day sale, to not only create traffic to your shop, but also bring recognition to the concept of ~creating handmade with handmade~ please continue reading. This is a trial run to see if we can link our shops together for one big sale day. The tentative date is set for either Sunday, October 2nd or Tuesday, October 4th. After you have linked your shop using the inlinkz tool at the end of this post, please leave a comment stating which sale day that you think would be best. I'll take the majority vote. Please read through #'s 1-9 below before deciding if you want to be a part of our group sale. This is a first for LMAJ so let's see how it goes! If it is a success, we'll do it again. Thanks, MaryAnn

1. Use the inlinkz link below and type in the necessary information.

2. On the day of the actual sale, you should have something about this sale in your shop and/or personal website announcements.

3. Your shop must include mostly items that are created with handmade. That handmade does not have to be handmade that you create, but you should make sure that the artists are recognized in the item description.

4. If you do create items other than~handmade with handmade~, please renew the items that are mostly handmade on the sale day so that they appear first in your shop order.

5. If you are going to do what is listed in #4 above, please make note of that in your shop announcement since this is a sale promoting handmade with handmade.

6. Use a the coupon code with LMAJ in the beginning of whatever percentage your want to take off. For example, I want to run a 20% off sale. I will use coupon code LMAJ20

Coupon codes will make it easier for you and your shoppers.

7. If you are selling from a site that does not have the coupon code option, please be creative and have buyers enter LMAJ SALE in the comments when checking out of your shop to receive the sale price.

8. Please provide a link back to this blog: in your shop announcement so that people can easily find their way back here to access other shops.

9. Stop back daily to read about any updates regarding this sale.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Unconventional Tools

by Izzy Winterhart

A week or so ago, I had a battle with one of my tools and the tool won.
It was one of those days, that had I used my brain, 
probably wouldn't have happened.
I hadn't been feeling well the first few days of the week, 
both physically and emotionally.
For three nights I got very little sleep.
I thought a day in the workshop would make me feel better.

Not so.

I now have a sign in my workshop that reads
"Sleep deprived not allowed".
Entering my shop bleary eyed was the first of many mistakes I made that day.

An idea for a pair of earrings has stewed in my head for weeks now.
I was thinking this day would be the best time to give birth to that idea.
I chose a heavier gauge of copper to work with.
Mistake number two.
I couldn't find my heavier hammer, so I used my lighter hammer.
Mistake number three.
Placed it in my disc cutter and started hammering.
Whack, whack, whack.
Not working.
So I whacked harder.
The cutter seemed to be moving a bit, so I held it with my left hand.
Mistake number four.
I then whacked my thumb.
Right on the knuckle.
It swelled immediately.
Tears filled my eyes.
Words, I won't repeat, filled my mouth.
I seriously thought I had broken the bone.
I went inside, sought sympathy from my hubby and quit for the day.

That day my husband came up with an idea to use a jack press with the disc cutter.
I would buy a Bonny Doon Press.
Yeah, right.
The cheapest Bonny Doon is around $1000.
I did some research and found other jewelry press options, 
but none of them affordable.
So we started thinking outside the "jewelry tool" box.
We found a 12 ton shop press at Northern Tool.
It was on sale for 1/10 the price of a Bonny Doon.
My husband put it together for me and immediately we started playing.

First with my small cutter and 26 gauge copper.
Then with my large cutter and 18 gauge copper.
Let me just say that cranking the jack is much easier than whacking.

Butter people.  
The cutters went through like a hot knife in butter.

Big Red may not be the prettiest tool in my workshop
but it is my newest love.
No more risk of hammering my much needed digits.
Now to shop for pancake dies.

What tools do you use that aren't considered "jewelry tools"?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You people are truly strutting your stuff...

by Izzy Winterhart

I love to check our Flickr group
Every creation amazes me.

Here are some of my favorites...

This beauty is from our own MaryAnn.
I love it because it reminds me of winter...
I so long for the cold weather.

These beauties are made by Erika.
Great everyday jewelry.
Would be so cute with a tee and jeans.

I LOVE the color orange.
It's associated with the 2nd chakra.
This is why the bedroom in our last house was painted burnt pumpkin.
Woo hoo!
Serious, Pennee P, this is a gorgeous piece.

I'm not sure if there is anything Lu hasn't made thus far that I don't covet.
This piece is no exception.

This awesome creation is by our talented and very sweet, Staci.
I just love the combo of the orange and turquoise.

Rebecca aka Adobe Sol created this gorgeous pair of earrings...
You know me, I'm a sucker for copper so I just adore these.

Mary, are you kidding me?
This is so insanely brilliant!
Just beautiful!

Kristi, these are a delightful combo of color.
So earthy!

LeAnn, you know I love everything you make!!

No I didn't.
How tacky of me to throw something of mine in here...

Lastly, there is this ditty from Patty.
One word - dazzling.
You are so talented!

If you haven't thrown your stuff over on this Flickr group,
what are you waiting on???

Go ahead, strut your stuff!!

"Creativity is inventing,
taking risks,
breaking rules,
making mistakes,
and having fun."
~Mary Lou Cook