Whether you are a buyer or a seller, the international first class price hike is most likely going to effect you in some way.
The United States Postal Service has done some re-vamping. They changed the name of some of their services, and increased prices. The prices that were most effected were the international shipping, especially the first class small packages. The prices have gone up from about 100% to 106% in some cases. The new rates are currently in effect.
You can check out some of the information here on the Etsy blog or this blog really did a good job laying out the pricing as well.
I know that we are all shocked. The prices are insane. I guess over time, we will start to accept it, like we did when silver jumped in price. For now though, we are all still wide eyed and shaking our heads....wondering how this will effect business. Paying $8-12 shipping for a few beads is most likely not going to happen, and some countries have customs fees to pay on top of that.
I changed my shipping last weekend in my shops. Its high, to cover myself, since some of them jump $3 if its over 3oz. So I offer to refund the difference, so that my customers don't overpay. Hopefully this won't scare anyone off.
Any thoughts on what else we can do as sellers?
Buyers, any concerns?